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Publié : 10 sept. 2013, 22:14
par Seb Leaute
Isaac Najary expérimente actuellement sur son Arixtra un aileron ventral mixé sur la voie moteur, celui-ci s'abaissant lors des descentes afin de faire aérofrein. Apparemment cela n'affecte pas les trajectoires de l'avion.


Plus d'infos ici: ... lyzer.html

on attend la vidéo en vol....affaire à suivre

Re: Najarylizer

Publié : 11 sept. 2013, 07:24
par claudecuinet

De ce que j'ai lu; c'est grâce à CPLR qu'il a mis en oeuvre son idée.
"Most of the pilots that he consulted with thought that it is not a good idea, only CPLR said why not try it and he asked Amram to tell him what will be the results CPLR responses gave me the last push to go ahead and build it. "

Les résultats sont :
I was really tense because we didn't know how the plane will behave so I reduced the Air-Brake gradually.
The Air-Brake required quite a few elevator down mix but it didn't have any pitch nor rolling motion.
The plane dived straight down very slowly in a constant speed!!!
The big surprise was when I flew the P-13 sequence, the rolling segments became much straighter, and I just couldn't believe that this is my plane!!!
One think is still a mystery for me: the ailerons became more sensitive so I had to reduce the movement; anyone has any thought way it could happen?

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