la quadrature du cercle

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la quadrature du cercle

Message par touffeman »


J'ai posé une question a revolectrix au sujet d'un PL6

[...] it occurs 2 errors : 1st is "Input Voltage > 32V" ( technically impossible ) allied to an error code 100 ( Temperature out of range ). I'm quite disappointed because i had a great confidence in this product. Is there a way to solve this problem ? I can't reset the PL6. Thank you very much for your attention to my problem. [...]

alors Howard Matos qui me repond [...]You will need to log into y our Revolectrix account and request a return authorization. We will need to see what went wrong with the charger. You will receive an email with the RA along with the return instructions, thanks.[...]

donc je log et request [...] Your request for assistance has been received. Case #1200 - "PL6 - malfunction - under warranty" has been created for you. A member of our customer care team will respond to your case as soon as possible. [...]

là dessus y'a Cindy qui arrive [...]Hello, I am copying Vincent, in the Singapore office, with this email[...]

puis vincent qui l'envoie à john [...]John, Please see below Nicolas email and advise. [...]

là j'attends la reponse de john à jean-pierre, mais peut etre que marisol va s'en meler. :)

Je kiffe
