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Oreka 2020/2021

Publié : 30 juin 2020, 15:03
par YS Power
YS DZ200Scdi

Re: Oreka 2020/2021

Publié : 30 juin 2020, 16:05
par YS Power
YS Power 8-)

Re: Oreka 2020/2021

Publié : 30 juin 2020, 17:17
par Seb Leaute
Very nice plane as usual for Scott Kay. what can you say about the flights compare to your xareltoo ?


Re: Oreka 2020/2021

Publié : 01 juil. 2020, 10:52
par YS Power
Hi Seb,

Thank you for your kind words.

I have only had 12 flights with the Oreka and I'm still adjusting and trimming, so I can't compare 100% yet. But at this time I can say; Rolls are much nicer. Snap rolls are almost identical to the Xareltoo, but the exit is improved. Spins are nice, same as Xareltoo but requires more nose up for a good entry. The Oreka speeds up in the down lines more, but I haven't used the air brakes yet. The Xareltoo has no mixes. The Oreka does need mixes and I have set these up, but have not flown since. Oreka presents a bit better.

If the Oreka ends up as good as the Xareltoo, I will be very happy. I'm confident though once fully trimmed, the Oreka will be a better plane.


Re: Oreka 2020/2021

Publié : 07 juil. 2020, 11:54
par claudecuinet
Hello Scott

There are many interested spectators.
Be careful, forbidden to land on cows !
I think , Excess bip belongs to Jeff Boyd !

Re: Oreka 2020/2021

Publié : 16 août 2020, 17:25
par YS Power
Hi Claude,

I come in to land around 2 meters over the cattle. They don't usually even look up 😬

Yes, the Excess is Jeff Boyds.